Our dental practice, located in the Gobelins district of Paris, brings together several practitioners to cover the entire field of modern dentistry, from the simplest care such as teeth cleaning and dental caries treatment to more complex procedures such as compurer-assisted implant surgery, bone and gingival grafts, micro-dentistry or cosmetic dentistry.

Our treatment philosophy is focused on diagnosis and planning, which are essential steps for a successful treatment with lasting result. With this in mind, we have developed a technical platform, and progressively integrated technologies for the improvement of diagnosis and planning into our practice. Such technologies include 3D radiography, intra-oral photography,  operating microscopes, optical impressions and surgical and prosthetic planification software.

The inclusion of digital techniques in dentistry opens new perspectives for dental treatments. The CFAO software allows us to pre-visualize the final result before starting the treatment, then to perform ceramic restorations that look like true natural teeth.